How Do I Live Stream a Webex Meeting to the Virtual Venue?

Webex administrators can allow meeting hosts to live stream Webex Meetings and Events using a streaming service. Both Webex Meetings and Webex Events work with any streaming service that supports the Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) or Real-Time Messaging Protocol-Secure (RTMPS). Audio, video, and shared content will be live streamed.

Live streaming in Webex Events is available from version WBS40.2.

If the live streaming feature is enabled, it is active for both Webex Meetings and Webex Events.

Webex administrators need to follow these steps to enable the live streaming option for an individual user: 

Activate the live streaming services on the Webex Website

  1. Sign in to the Webex administrator area. Use the left navigation bar and go to Configuration > Common Settings > Options.    
  2. Scroll down to the Live Streaming Services area and select Other streaming services.    
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Update.    

Enable live streaming for users

  1. From the user view at, go to Users and select the user for whom you want to change permissions.    
  2. Now a panel will open on the right. Look for the Services option and select Meeting.    
  3. Under Webex-Meeting-Sites, select the sites you want to change permissions for.
  4. Click Advanced User Settings and Tracking-Codes.    
  5. Activate the Enable Live Streaming check box under Advanced User Settings.    

Starting the live stream

Webex hosts may start their meeting’s live stream as follows:

1. Upon starting your Meeting or Event, go to More Options and click Start Live Streaming.

2. Select Other Streaming Services and enter the Target stream link and the target stream key Converia provided you with.


Adding information for other streaming services

3. Click the Start streaming button to start your Webex Meetings or Events live stream. To confirm that you are streaming from Webex Meetings or Events, look for the live indicator in the top right corner of your Meeting or Event.