Live Streaming via DFN Conf

You can also use the live stream solution provided by the German DFN Conf. In this case, you won't use DNF Conf's streaming option but add the stream as a participant instead.

  1. Select   in the DFN Conf settings to add a new meeting participant.
  2. Select the guest role in the drop-down menu and use this field    to enter the streaming data you were provided with following this pattern:
    "Stream URL RTMP"/"Stream Key" → rtmp://
  3. Confirm your input with .
The list should contain another participant entry named "" , with the Recording icon next to it. The stream should now be available on the platform.

Please note that the Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) is the only protocol supported.  Whenever the screen sharing mode is enabled, audio transmission of a shared video is not possible. Participants will see the video when you hit play but will not hear any sound.