Setting Up the Home Page Tiles

Go to Configuration > Homepage > Add Homepage tile to add new tiles (referred to as "articles" in the backend) for your home page. 

Adding a new article

Assigning a Title for an Article 

For each article (=home page tile), add a new item under Languages. This will be the title for the article which appears in the backend article overview, and it will also serve as the tile heading (possibly above the image) used in the Virtual Venue. If you're organizing a multilingual conference, add an entry for each of the languages to make sure they will be displayed correctly.

Adding titles for German and English articles

Highlighting Tiles

By default, the tiles are output with a white background. If the Highlight checkbox is activated, this will turn the entire tile blue (or in your selected accent color, should a color adjustment have been made for the Virtual Venue). Additionally, highlight tiles are prominently displayed directly below the event banner. If multiple tiles are highlighted, then subsequent tiles will not be displayed until previous tiles have been actively clicked away by the user. The order can be set in the backend. Highlight tiles that are clicked away by users can still be found under the "normal" start page tiles.
 Backend setting for highlighting tiles and how their appearance changes in the Virtual Venue

Specifying a Tile Order

Specify an order for the home page tiles by defining the Order Index. We recommend counting in steps of 10 as that makes it easier to handle subsequent changes. Your order will also appear in the Order Index column that is part of the overview. This is essential for tiles that will only appear during a specified time.

Article overview for the Virtual Venue

Timing Tiles

You have the option to display each tile at a specified time. To do so, enter the times for Start and End. Tile areas will not remain empty. If one of the areas is (temporarily) without content, all other tiles will move up.
Once you have activated the timing for a tile, it will appear at the set start time. Make sure to check the content prior to that as you will not see the tile outside of that time frame!

Defining start and end times for a tile