Roles and Authorizations BBB (Main Rooms)

Roles and Authorizations in BBB

There are three different BBB roles which have different rights and configuration options in a meeting.


Viewers will appear with a round icon in the list of meeting participants.
Viewers in a BBB meeting can:

  • join with microphone
  • join with camera
  • use the chat feature (public and private)
  • participate in polls
  • edit shared notes
  • set a status
  • participate in breakout sessions

NOTE: In the Virtual Venue, BBB is server-configured in a way so that the microphone and camera sharing features are locked for viewers when they join a BBB meeting.


Moderators will appear with a square icon in the list of meeting participants. Moderators (organizers, administrators, chairs, speakers) have the same authorizations as viewers but can also access administrative settings.
Moderators in a BBB meeting can:

  • mute viewers
  • lock/unlock viewers
  • promote viewers to moderators or presenters
  • remove viewers from the meeting
  • turn off meeting mute
  • create breakout rooms
  • add closed captions
  • save user names
  • end the session

NOTE: A session can have multiple moderators.


A presenter’s icon has an additional blue presentation icon in the top left corner. Viewers and moderators can be made presenters.
The presenter is in charge of the meeting’s presentation and can:

  • upload slides
  • use the whiteboard feature
  • share their screen
  • share videos from external sources (YouTube, Vimeo, Instructure Media, Twitch, Dailymotion and media file URLs (e.g.
  • create polls

NOTE: A session can only have one presenter. Every moderator can make every user to a presenter, including themselves.

Role Assignment in a BBB Meeting

Automatic role assignment 

Upon joining a BBB room, the role within the room will be assigned to reflect the person’s role in the Converia Virtual Venue.
The assignment works as follows:

  • Organizers and administrators have moderator rights across all of the conference’s BBB rooms.
  • Chairs/session chairs and speakers have moderator rights in all rooms assigned to them and belonging to their area of responsibility.
  • Participants without a role assigned to them (including sponsors) will join the BBB rooms as viewers.

NOTE: The first moderator to join a BBB room will automatically be made the presenter.

Manual role assignment 

Moderators can promote every user to moderator or make them the presenter within a BBB session.

Fig. 1

Select the user whose role you want to change. A menu will open which enables you to make the user a presenter or promote them to moderator (see fig. 1). In case a user already is a moderator and you want to revoke their role, you can do this using the same menu. Click Demote to viewer (see fig. 2). You can remove the presenter role by making yourself or someone else the presenter.

Fig. 2

Locking or Unlocking Viewers

Moderators can set permissions for viewers joining the BBB room as required. They may also exclude individual viewers from these restrictions. The features for sharing their webcam and microphone will be locked by default for BBB session viewers in the Virtual Venue.  

Fig. 3

If you want to configure the authorizations for all viewers or adjust the default settings, click the gear icon above the users list and select the Lock viewers option (see fig. 3). In the window that will now appear, you can lock or unlock certain features for viewers (see fig. 4).

NOTE: The server-configured default setting (locked webcam and microphone) for BBB rooms in the Virtual Venue serves to improve the the transmission quality and stability, particularly for larger sessions with up to 150 participants. If the authorizations are to be handled less restrictively and apply to all participants of a BBB session, you should adjust the settings before the session starts! In order to keep the settings, the room must not run empty, otherwise the settings will be reset to default.

Fig. 4

Features and their effects

Fig. 5

NOTE: These restrictions apply to all non-moderator users joining the meeting. Subsequent modifications will have no effect on viewers that are already in the room!


Unlocking Viewers

Fig. 6

Restrictions made in the Lock Viewers menu can be removed for individual viewers. To do so, select the viewer you want to unlock and click Unlock [name]. This might be necessary if viewers aren’t able to share their microphone and webcam by default, but you want them to comment, ask questions or contribute in another way.