Details Page Content

The details page for a sponsor can contain different kinds of content. Go to Sponsors > Sponsors > section Content to add the follwing content: text, downloadable files, external links, list of arguments that make the sponsor stand out, video.
Backend view of the different kinds of content

Frontend view of the content

1. Content Type Download

Downloads allows you to offer all common file formats for download, including ZIP files. To do so, upload your file, enter a button label and add a description if you like. 
Please make sure that your files do not exceed the 25 MB limit when uploading either a single file or multiple files at once. In case they do, try to upload them separately.

Adding a downloadable file in the backend

2. Content Type Link

After adding your link and a corresponding name, you can choose whether the link is going to appear as a hyperlink or as a button. Tick the check box if the button option is your preferred one.
If you want to add an internal Virtual Venue link, please select the Intern option and add the link as follows: for, enter sessions.

Adding a link in the backend

3. Content Type Liste

The list section allows you to enter separate arguments that make a sponsor stand out. The system will automatically take care of their formatting.

Adding a list in the backend

4. Content Type Video

Unfortunately, it is currently not possible for you to upload videos yourself. To add videos, please get in touch with the Converia team.
Adding one or multiple videos (in the form of a playlist) is possible.