Adding Sessions

Sessions as a part of the program

A session is composed of the following items which you can edit in the backend:

  • session name 
  • scheduled start and end time
  • Track*
  • Talks* 
  • Session Chairs*
  • Beschreibung* (Description)
  • Sessioninhalt* (Session Content)
    -> livestream, VoD content, live group meeting via BigBlueButton, external link such as Zoom, MS Teams,, etc.
  • Zeitversatz für die Phasen "Check-In" und "Soeben beendet"* (Time delay for the "check-in" and "just ended" stages)

Adding Sessions in the Backend

To add new sessions, go to Programm > Sessions. Specify start and end time, enter a name and add the correct program content. Then click "Erstellen" to load the form.

Adding a session with program content

Next you can add the program content for the session. Select a track, enter the selected program content and specify the chairs for this session.
Make sure that the chairs already have a valid booking.

You can also specify a time delay for the "check-in" and "just ended" stages.
As soon as the "check-in" stage is active, participants will see the program content. By default, the check-in stage starts 10 minutes before the session begins.
When the "just ended" stage is active, the content will turn invisible again. By default, this is set to 20 minutes after the session ends. For a livestream, this means that the video signal will stop as soon as the session enters the "just ended" stage. 
In case you're concerned about exceeding the predefined 20 minutes, you can edit the values for each session here.

Time delay settings for a session